Saturday, January 29, 2011

My Sincerest Thanks

Years ago, I was kidding and being a bit silly when I told a group of teens that I had three goals in life.
     1. Write a song
     2. Become the vice-president of something
     3. Write a book

I recently added a fourth. My father-in-law, who I loved dearly, passed away in August. Okay, now I’m typing through tears. He was a great guy who taught me many things. Well, I got his cool, garage stuff: including two plastic cabinets with 105 clear plastic drawers. There are thousands of little items: nuts, bolts, screws, fuses, etc. I’m not even sure what some of the items are. The fourth goal – maybe you guessed it – use all that stuff before I join him. Crazy, I know, but why not? Well, there you go - busy guy with four extra things to accomplish.

I’m happy to report that the first two goals are in the books. When my oldest son (Michael) was about 4, I composed (made-up) a song called the Goodnight Michael Song. “There once was a boy named Michael who laid upon his bed . . .” Of course, as the other two boys got older it became the Goodnight Michael, Jeffrey, and Timmy Song. So, check off goal #1. I also secretly formed the “Pastor Max Fan Club” and became the vice-president. I couldn’t find a president or members, so the fan club quickly disbanded. Check off goal #2.

Now to goal #3. It was about a month ago that I started considering writing a blog. Why a blog? Truthfully? Goofy as it may sound - I’d like to put together a 365-day devotional book, and I thought it be a good way to get something on paper. Well, maybe it’s not actually on paper, but you get the point.

I knew little about how blogs worked or how to start one, but with help and encouragement from a grad student (JM) and a high school senior (GE), I finally got started. The theme of the blog is encouragement – with a focus on the three E’s of ministry: exaltation, edification, evangelism. Love God – exaltation. Love your neighbor as yourself – edification, evangelism.

Sustainability is the biggest challenge. The average post takes 3-4 hours. I’m a slow thinker, a slower writer, and an even slower typist. No one who knows me is surprised by any of that. I just like to share what God is doing. He’s an awesome God, and He’s always doing great things.

When I first started, I was hoping that someone would read the blog. 50 views in the first two weeks would have been a thrill. Tomorrow will be the end of the second week. As of this moment there have been 656 views. I am thankful and very humbled by the number of views and all the kind comments (by way of facebook). Please accept my heartfelt thanks. Goodnight. Have a great Lord’s Day.   PM

I'm against sin. 
I'll kick it as long as I've got a foot, 
and I'll fight it as long as I've got a fist. 
I'll butt it as long as I've got a head. 
I'll bite it as long as I've got a tooth. 
And when I'm old and fistless and footless and toothless, 
I'll gum it till I go home to Glory and it goes home to perdition!
Billy Sunday (1862-1935)
American evangelist


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