Sunday, January 16, 2011

My Will v God's Will

I found the March 4th My Utmost for His Highest devotional to be particularly challenging and inspiring. The title is “Could This Be True of Me?” The verse is Acts 20:24. "But none of these things move me, neither count I my life dear unto myself."

Chambers gives the following explanation. “It is easier to serve or work for God without a vision and without a call, because then you are not bothered by what He requires. Common sense, covered with a layer of Christian emotion, becomes your guide. You may be more prosperous and successful from the world’s perspective, and will have more leisure time, if you never acknowledge the call of God. But once you receive a commission from Jesus Christ, the memory of what God asks of you will always be there to prod you on to do His will. You will no longer be able to work for Him on the basis of common sense.”

It’s simply a battle between my will and God’s will.

My Will
If I do service for God 

    without a vision for the future and 
    without a call in my life, 
               then I shan’t be bothered by what He requires.

My guide is common sense (reason), covered with a layer of Christianeeze (emotion or words) 
~ otherwise known as hypocrisy.

God’s Will
If I do service for God 
     with a vision for the future and 
     with God’s call in my life,
               then I must be consumed with what He desires.

My guide is uncommon sense (faith), supported by biblical knowledge 
~ otherwise seen as Christ-likeness.

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