Monday, February 7, 2011

Broken or Broken Down

I was introduced to The Calvary Road by Roy Hession about 6 years ago. It took me two weeks to get past the first three paragraphs. It was that powerful. We either become broken or broken down. Check it out for yourself. You'll need a highlighter. It's in my recommended reading book list - to the right of this post. You can get the book online and at most bookstores, or you can read it for free online at

The following 3 paragraphs are from chapter 1: Brokenness

We want to be very simple in this matter of Revival. Revival is just the life of the Lord Jesus poured into human hearts. Jesus is always victorious. In heaven they are praising Him all the time for His victory. Whatever may be our experience of failure and barrenness, He is never defeated. His power is boundless. And we, on our part, have only to get into a right relationship with Him, and we shall see His power being demonstrated in our hearts and lives and service, and victorious life will fill us and overflow through us to others. And that is Revival in its essence.

If, however, we are to come into this right relationship with Him, the first thing we must learn is that our wills must be broken to His will is the beginning of Revival. It is painful, humiliating, but it is the only way. It is being " Not I ,but Christ,(Gal 2:20)' and a " C " is a bent " I." The Lord Jesus cannot live in us fully and reveal Himself through until the proud self within us is broken. This simply means that the hard unyielding self, which justifies itself, wants its own way, stands up for its rights, and seeks its own glory, at last bows its head to God's will, admits its wrong, gives up its own way to Jesus, surrenders its rights and discards its own glory - that the Lord Jesus might have all and be all. In other words it is dying to and self-attitudes.

And as we look honestly at our Christian lives, we can see how much of this self there is in each of us. It is so often self who tries to live the Christian life (the mere fact that we use the word " try " indicates that it is self who has the responsibility). It is self, too, who is often doing Christian work. It is always self who gets irritable and envious and resentful and critical and worried. It is self who is hard and unyielding in its attitudes to others. It is self who is shy and self-conscious and reserved. No wonder we need breaking. As long as self is in control, God can do little with us, for all the fruits of the Spirit (they are enumerated in Galatians 5), with which God longs to fill us, are the complete antithesis of the hard, unbroken spirit within us and presupposes that it has been crucified."

When we break God's law, guilt, anguish, anger, bitterness, emptiness, or despair will follow. Why? Because we practice (do) only what we really believe. If we don't really believe what God says, then we believe and live a lie. We can search for truth, or we can search for excuse. Choose truth.    PM 

Joshua 24:14-15
Now therefore fear the LORD, and serve him in sincerity and in truth: 
and put away the gods which your fathers served on the other side of the flood, 
and in Egypt; and serve ye the LORD.
 And if it seem evil unto you to serve the LORD, 
choose you this day whom ye will serve; 
whether the gods which your fathers served that were on the other side of the flood, 
or the gods of the Amorites, in whose land ye dwell: 
but as for me and my house, we will serve the LORD.



  1. That is so great, Mark!

  2. I really appreciate your posts, Pastor Max. I read them all the time and it's like hearing you preach in chapel! Thanks.:P
