Thursday, February 17, 2011

Lessons from a Jiffy Lube

I was getting my oil changed some months ago and noticed an article on the wall from USA Today. It was about how to get better gas mileage. I’d heard most of the suggestions before: proper tire inflation, tune-ups, filter changes, good fuel, etc. However, there were two that I had not considered.

The first – When traveling on hot days (especially in newer cars), drive with the windows closed and the a/c on. I thought the advice would have been the exact opposite – turn off the a/c and roll the windows down. What I failed to consider was the incredible importance of aerodynamics. Cars are built aerodynamically to reduce wind drag which increases the fuel mileage. The drag that is created by the windows being open makes the car less fuel efficient than when the a/c is on and the windows are closed. Hmmmmmm. I guess we should stick with the design and plan.

The second – Check the car for extra weight (especially the trunk). Extra weight accounts for reduced fuel mileage, increased wear and tear on the tires, and increased load on the transmission and motor. That would seem to be a no-brainer. But how often do we throw stuff in the trunk only to forget about it? I checked my trunk . . . amazing.
I could have started a garage sale. There was lots of good stuff in there. It was just in the wrong place. I didn’t throw it all in at once. It built up over time. Guess I need to look in the trunk more often. I just walked outside and looked in the trunk again. It wasn’t as bad, but it wasn’t good either. Hmmmmmm. Guess I better check it more often.

Have you ever thought that God made us to function in a certain way also? In essence God says, “Roll up the windows, turn on the a/c, get rid of the extra weight, have proper inflation, get a tune-up, fill up with the right stuff, and don’t forget to clean those filters.” In other words, God says,” Just do it my way.” My spiritual efficiency and effectiveness are directly tied to my willingness and obedience.

Remind yourself of these daily needs:
1. I must get rid of drag (unnecessary weight)
    (Hebrews 12:1)

2. The Holy Spirit is my only comforter. I should seek the Comforter, not comfort.
    (John 14:16-18)

3. I need to be fueled by the Word of God.
    (Psalm 1:2-3)

4. I must be emptied of self and filled with (influenced by) the Holy Spirit.
    (I Peter 5:6; Ephesians 5:18)

5. I must be cleansed. 
    (Psalm 119:9-11)

Stick with God’s design and plan every day. 
Results: A lighter load, less wear and tear, and the right kind of comfort.

"If Christ is not all to you He is nothing to you. 
He will never go into partnership as a part Saviour of men. 
If He be something He must be everything, 
and if He be not everything He is nothing to you."
Charles H. Spurgeon
(1834 – 1892)


  1. God is incredible. He only wants good for us. He has given us a road map for life "the Bible". All we have to do is repent and believe. You have two choices, belief or non-belief. When you repent and turn from your sins and begin living in accordance with God's road map your life is blessed and God changes you from the inside out. And only He can do that. Follow God's road map, give your life to Him...He Loves You!!! Sandy P
